Dead Simple Way To Dominate Tumblr & Get Some Easy Profits.

I’ve been abusing Tumblr, pushing it to its limits and I absolutely love it.

Over the last few months, I’ve built up some Tumblr accounts. No particular reason why but in the end, it paid off.

Building them up with followers was so simple and automated that I actually forgot about them.

When I remembered I had some Tumblrs sitting around I figured I’ll do something with them.

I made an Amazon store.

My store link is flowing throughout the internet like a virus. Social media abuse at it’s finest, it seems to work.


What We Need To Take Over Tumblr

  • A Passionate Niche
  • Tumblr Account
  • Automated Posting System
  • Web Hosting
  • Amazon Associates Account

I’m going to show you how to earn some money on Tumblr without doing barely anything.

I’m sure you hear that all the time “make money while doing nothing”… Well, this method is for real.

After the initial setup, it’s all automated from there on out and this will increase your traffic.

Let’s do this.

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Finding That Passionate Niche

The first step is finding a popular niche on Tumblr, something that the followers are really into.

My accounts are about drugs, one of the biggest niches Tumblr has to offer. I found my audience and it’s working well.

More ideas

  • Fashion
  • Food
  • Photography ( you could make bank off this one selling high-end cameras)
  • Luxury (huge Tumblr niche)

Alright, so we have a niche it’s time to build that empire.

You can have multiple accounts for this, I currently have 3 with my biggest at 25,000 followers.

Now it’s time to sign up, it’s a good idea to have a related URL.

Once signed up find some Niche related pictures and reblog them to populate your blog.

Choose a nice free theme.


Time To Get Automated

This is the hardest part, gaining followers. I’m going to show you the best way to do this.

There is literally no other way to gain mass followers on your money Tumblr.

First, you can do it the slow way, manually follow 200 people a day….. yeah no thanks!.

You can use a bot to follow 200 people a day and like pictures. I use this in conjunction with what I’m going to show you next.

I use TumblrJazz.

A bot still takes a while so the best way to get followers is to stay active, SUPER active. I’m talking 100+ post a day.

But who has time to do that? Let’s look at the easy way.

You will need about 50 followers so you can either gain them manually or with a bot.

Not it’s time to build these bad boys.

Check out a site called Queue+. You can schedule 100+ post a day at the click of a button for free!.


You can load it with 2000 Images and that’s you set for the next 20 days.

Load up your blog then it’s time to make the magic happen.

To make this work, you will need to get a chrome extension called Archive Poster.

Now simply go to any niche related Tumblr and add “/archive” at the end of the URL.

lean how to make money with tumblr


Then click “Quick Select” and “Select Photos”

making money on social media


Now click “Post” and “Queue+”



Now we have just sent some images to Queue+ that are ready to post.

Go back to Queue+ and set a schedule.



The post are set to run. This will keep your Tumblr very active getting you tons of followers.

We will be using this to spread our link, but first we need a website.


Building The Tumblr That’s Going To Make You Money.

To make the money on Tumblr, we need some sort of revenue stream. I’ve chosen Amazon Affiliates.


If someone goes through my link to Amazon I get a commission, Want to know what the best part is?

Whenever that person returns to Amazon in the next 90 days I get a commission from whatever they buy.

If they buy a $20,000 watch, I get a cut of that.

The only I don’t enjoy is building Amazon websites, they can be tedious.

I’ve found a good theme and plugin combo that makes it super easy. I used WooZone and set up a fully functioning website in 3 hours.

If you don’t want to start a website you can use a self hosted software like ClickFunnels and that can help you build pages. It’s more of a funnel builder though.

First things first we need some sort of hosting. I use Blue Host. They are cheap and you get a free domain when starting a website.

Recommend Hosting: Perfect for new bloggers looking for cheap hosting. Click here and take advantage of the discounted $2.95 a month hosting. This is a SPECIAL deal I have managed to secure for my readers ONLY! 



My article about making an Adsense website will show you how to set this all up.

After you log in to the backend of WordPress you will need to install a couple plugins


UPDATE: Some people had some issues with the theme mentioned above. This new theme is another one you can try ReHub Amazon. Everything works the same way etc,

Assuming you have Amazon Associates setup you want to log into your account and get the API Key.

If you don’t have an account it’s free to sign up.



Head back over to the Woo Zone plugin and enter the details along with your tracking ID.

how to make money on tumblr really fast


Time to popular that site with some cool stuff. We need some categories.

To make a product category click on “Products” under “WooCommerce”

You want to add a new category then view it and copy the URL. Now go to Appearance > Menus > Custom Links.

Add the Category link and name it. You can then add it to your top bar if you like.



Gathering products from Amazon is damn easy. Go to Woo Zone and find Advanced Search.

Search for your keyword and where it says “Import In” you choose your category. Woo Zone has some other ways to import as well.

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That’s it! You have imported some cool products to sell.


Keeping Things Fresh & Clean

I would suggest giving the website a simple clean look. Not cluttered or complicated.

This is my homepage. I could add more things, but I don’t really see a need to do that. I might add Adsense at some stage and do a few tweaks.

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I’ve made some sales in the first 24 hours. My site has just over 350 items on it! I made this site from scratch to 350+ items in just under 3 hours.



Unleash The Tumblr Virus

Time to look at how to make money on Tumblr. This is how I do it.

This part is easy, go back to Queue+ and click on the blog Tumblr profile you want to edit. Click “Edit All Post”

Put the URL to the website in the caption. Do some testing and see what converts best for you.

This will add the caption to every single post you have ready.



Can you see how powerful this is? My link is getting spread throughout Tumblr 24/7.

Look at these stats. My activity feed is constantly like this, I don’t do anything. It’s fully automatic.

I have 9000 post ready to go, that’s 90 days of hands free posting.

how can I make money on tumblr


Finals Words

Even if you don’t want to make money with Tumblr and you’re just looking to grow a Tumblr you need to get onto that Queue+, It’s crazy.

Anyhow, this is just another way to make money and I hope it inspires you to try new things and get into the online money making game.

I tend to waste a lot of time with little side projects like this but sometimes they pay off. Even if they fail I still have fun so get out there get amongst, You never know you might find something that really works for you.

For now, I’m going to let everything run on autopilot but might end up doing some upscaling if I get some time. So if you wanted to know how to make money on Tumblr this is one method you can try. I’ve also for a Facebook method that’s doing really well.

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