Finding a Niche Market. I Show You Some Easy Ways to Get Ideas

The first thing we need to look at is finding a niche market to dive into. A good niche is the first step to making money online.  There are a few things you should take into account when coming up with an idea.

  • Will it be a personal Niche? Something you’re interested in? If not do you have the time to research it?
  • Are their good Amazon or Affiliate products to sell for this niche?
  • Do you think you can drive traffic to this niche?
  • Is the niche popular?
  • Can you make money in this niche?

Those are just a few of the things I like to think about before diving into making a site about the products or service I want to sell. You might not want to sell anything and just make money off Adsense and that’s fine. Adsense is a great way to monetize, but you do need a lot of traffic, sometimes I use all 3 or there are plenty of other options you can use to monetize a site.

Here are some great ways to find a topic.

The most common one for me to start searching for a niche would have to be reddit, they do claim to be the front page of the Internet after all. The activity that goes on within reddit can be overwhelming, there is so much information flowing around. Not only do I use it to find a niche I also use it to find way’s to make money online.

After heading over to reddit all you need to do is type something in the search bar to the right, let’s use “cooking”.

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As you can see below I’m in the cooking section, usually, I would dig deeper into the subreddits like the ones marked in red but I’ve found some ideas on the cooking page. These are marked in orange and the ideas go a little something like this.
  • Tasty foreign dishes
  • Cooking tips
  • Celebrity chefs
  • Beginner chef Recipes
  • Cooking parodies
  • How to cook a steak
Remember these are just ideas on the first page, you can dig really deep by going to other pages and subreddits. You will notice I’ve put a blue line on the picture and the title is “the best cooking blog I’ve ever seen” Take some time and have a look, you might find some good ideas on that blog. The reddit advanced search is also a great tool.

Finding a Niche Market in Forums

Forums are a great source for niche and passive income ideas so let’s find some and have a look. I use google to find cooking forums and I’ve added some ideas below from the first pages.
  • Cooking curries
  • How to present food
  • Soul food recipes
  • Spanish cooking
  • Cheap cooking – Cheap meals – Cooking on a budget
  • Microwave recipes
  • Breakfast recipes
  • Low fat cooking – Low carb cooking

Another great place for finding a niche market would be Quora. I’ve added some examples below so we can get some more ideas
  • Chef jobs – Cooking Jobs.
  • Indian cooking
  • Five minute meals (nice and catchy this one)

Our next stop is going to be a little place called Buzz Sumo. All you need to do here is type in the word and away you go. Once again, I’ll be using “cooking”
  • Another one for “Cheap cooking”
  • Cooking lessons
  • Cooking tools (Amazon Store)

Clickbank is another great source of information, I would usually use this to find something to sell that is related to my topic while I’m there.
  • Family meals – this would be a great niche, there is something in Clickbank you can sell and you could also branch off into the health niche with that product
  • Paleo cooking


The internet is full of places to gather information, this took me 10 minutes and I got some good ideas. The deeper you dig the more you find. Spend an hour or two looking and you could strike gold. One thing I noticed in the cooking niche is that 90% of the people on forums are looking for cooking books. Set up an Amazon store and you could do well in a niche like this.

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