Beginners Guide To Profitable Drop Shipping Product Research On Shopify (2018)
Video Transcript
In today's video guys, we're going to talk about doing product research on Shopify and drop shipping fast and efficiently so you can start to test more products because I think that's where a lot of people get stuck. They don't test enough products, and they don't move forward with their stores because they just don't see the results they want to see. That's what we're going to be talking about in today's video. Now over the last few months, I've been helping quite a lot of people out, and the people that I've been helping have done over $2 million in revenue. One person alone has done 450K, and just the other day another guy told me he's done over half a million dollars from my training.
This stuff that I teach is working. I like to fast track the process for people so they can get into profit quicker. It's exactly what we're going to be talking about in this video today because product research doesn't have to be complicated. Everyone makes it complicated. It's not complicated. Everyone's looking for that big secret. That like really detailed secret that is going to make them a lot of money. There is none. Product research is a simple process. You need to make it a simple process and then you're going to start making some real money with your drop shipping stores. Now before we move into my browser, we're going to cover a few key things.
First of all, we need to figure out who you are. Are you the type of person who wants to test a lot of products? Because if you are, you're going to have to put all of your time into testing products and not really into the research. Second, do you want to test a few products or can you only afford to test a few products? If that's the case, you're going to have to put more effort into your research. Thirdly, do you already have a niche or product in mind? If you already have a niche and product in mind, then you probably already have a strategy in place.
It really just depends on what level you're at, but what we're going to be focusing on in this video is pretty much beginner friendly stuff right now. That's all you really need is beginner friendly methods, and that's what's been producing results like this, 450K in one year. This person on the right of your screen, he just actually messaged me today. I think he's done like a 100K just recently from another product, and he's doing over $10,000 a month. Very, very good results from the stuff that I'm going to be teaching. All right? Now this is something we need to cover that I get asked all the time. You've probably heard it before.
You're probably thinking it right now. Should you start a general store or a niche store? Very important question and there's a very, very straight answer here. General. Always go with the general. First of all, you don't have to start multiple Shopify stores, and second, it gives you more options. You can test any type of niche you want in your store. Now a lot of people get put off and say general stores look scammy and things like that. Well, I know someone doing 20K per day, yes, 20K per day, from a general store. My general store does pretty well as well. I end up going out to niche stores so I ca sell them, but general stores are completely fine guys.
They're completely good to start with. Just general, okay? Don't worry about a niche store when you start. That's over thinking things. General store is fine. Now this is something I want to cover as well. What not to do with your product research. This is quite important. First of all, don't start with a niche store. We just talked about that. Don't waste time filling your store with like hundreds of products. The reason I say this is I had someone contact me recently and say, "Hey, Franklin, I've put over 500 products in my store. I think I'm ready to start advertising." No.
Just put like 10, 20 in there just to fill it out a bit because you're only going to be advertising to your particular products. Most of the people aren't going to be looking around your store. If you're filling your store with hundreds of products before you even start, you're completely wasting your time. Thirdly and probably like something that I get asked about all the time, what's the perfect product. Guys, there's no such thing as a perfect product. Don't waste your time trying to find the perfect product. The perfect product is a product that makes you 100K. It's a product that makes you 10K. The perfect product is a winning product, and you create that winning product.
We can go and search and find products that are selling well. We can find ideas, but it's not a perfect product to us. We still have to test it. Just remember, there's no such thing as a perfect product. Now if you get stuck in these three things, well, mainly the last two, you're going to get stuck in between what they call a rock in a hard place. You're going to have a lot of trouble trying to get your Shopify store off the ground because this is just not what you want to be doing. Just get out of that mindset if you think that there's such a thing as a perfect product because there's not. All right? Now my criteria is pretty simple when I start my research.
I want to go for products that are selling. They have to be selling. If they're not selling, no one wants to buy them. I'm going to show you some examples in a second of products that I did. They used to be very, very popular, and they're just not selling anymore. It could be in a passionate niche. It doesn't have to be, but it could be in like cats, dogs, something like that that's really passionate. It doesn't have to be though. It could be a problem solver solving product. Those are kind of my criterias. If I can get all three of those lined, then I'm usually pretty good to go. I can go out there and make some good money hopefully.
Those are pretty much my criterias, but I kind of go as I go really. It depends. A lot of things change. Now this is a product that I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars from, and I do actually recommend using Instagram to test products. It's a very, very good strategy. This is the product here, and you can download this book below. All right? I'll leave you a link. There's lots of good products in here that we've made a lot of money on. You can go through and click on the link and you'll be able to download my sales video and see kind of the sales video we used to make a lot of money with this particular product.
There's also a couple of other products as well that I do well with, and some products that my friends did well with. There's actually two books you can download. With this particular product, I saw it. I decided to test it out on this page here. I was paying $20 per shout out, and I'll get around four to five sales per shout out. I was making back my money pretty good. Then I decided okay, I'm going to go and do this on Facebook and we did very, very well, but that's kind of the thing. You can either test on Facebook or you can test on Instagram. If you don't have much money, I recommend testing on Instagram because you can get sales instantly.
You know pretty much instantly if you're going to get sales from that page or not. You don't have to wait to get approved by Facebook. You don't have to wait for Facebook to do this, Facebook to do that. You don't have to do fancy ad copy. Simply just get a photo, do a caption, and that's it. This is how I tested this particular product, and this product has done six figures. Just want to show that as an example. Now before we jump into this, it's very critical that you understand how the ... Well, like pretty much what the goal is with this stuff. You have a product and you give it to someone. Let's just assume that this is a dirt bike jacket.
We sell it an audience that likes dirt biking. They give us the cash. That's the whole process. There's nothing in between. There's nothing complicated about that. That's the process. I try to make it as efficient as possible when I do my product research. What I mean by that is I don't complicate stuff. I make it super simple. Find a product. Find an audience. Test it, and that's it. There's nothing complicated about that complete process. We're going to jump into this now. At the end of this video, we're going to go over some secrets that have helped people succeed that I've been teaching over the last kind of year or so.
If you stay with me until the end, we're going to go over a few secrets that are kind of going to help you get somewhere with your store because I know a lot of people are struggling. All right? Kind of the keys things that I ask people when they're succeeding in my group, what helped you? There's one thing that's pretty much the exact same for everyone and that's what's helped them strive in this online drop shipping industry. What we're going to do guys is we're going to be going over pretty much how to get this done. What you need to do first is thing of some niches, interests, things like that. Don't overthink it. Don't get complicated.
Just use sites like this so you can go to Big List of all StumbleUpon Categories. You can google that, and it will come up with a bunch of industries you can jump into, wine, tea, nutrition, dogs, cats, birds, all sorts of things, right? So many niches. The same with Okay? Now another thing I would recommend if you're a beginner to this is to check out sites like Etsy. I think that's how you pronounce it. There's niches on here as well like weddings, toys, games, crafts, clothes, and all those sorts of things. You just click on there. You can get ideas. You can also go in here and do something like fishing.
You can get ideas on print on demand products, fishing products, and things like that. I don't use the site myself, but I'm just throwing it in here so you get an idea of where you can do. What I use guys and what's pretty cool is I use this quite a lot. If you really just want to get into testing really quickly, you can go into here and find products and basically go and sell them on AliExpress. I do know that these waterproof pants do very well. You go to kind of think of your audience. Who would want to buy these? Well, I'm into kayaking. I would want to buy them. I go trout fishing. When I'm out trout fishing, I get wet.
It gets cold and things like that. I can go out on Facebook and target kayakers. These are very, very good pants. I've seen these sell very, very well and so are these watches. What I do guys, my research is so basic. You're probably going to be like, "This is so basic," but the thing is that's all the research needs to be. There's no like super, super deep secret. There's nothing that anybody's hiding. Research is so simple. Especially if you just want to test a lot of products, you have to keep it simple. You don't have a choice because you're testing a lot of products. When I talk about a lot, I'm talking like 5 or 10 a day.
We're going to talk about that later on in this video, but that's kind of the key to help people becoming successful. What I do guys is I'll do two things. Okay? Number one, if I'm in a rush, I'll just go to like and I'll take a bunch of products that I think are going to succeed. I'll go to AliExpress and I'll find those products, and I'll start testing. Right? Pretty basic. Pretty easy. Nothing complicated about that. We're going to talk about another strategy that I use when I have a little bit more time. We'll keep Wish up, but I'll go to places like Discover A Hobby and I'll basically just copy a whole bunch of hobbies.
I'll go into AliExpress and I'll put them in. For example, something like steampunk, which I'm working at the moment with someone, and we're going to talk about that. Steampunk. I'm going to go to orders, and I'm going to see the top orders. I'm just going to start testing these products. I know you might be thinking, "That's what everyone does. Where's the secret," but there is no secret. You have to sell what's working and I'll tell you why in a second. This is what's working. What I do is I'll go and get a spreadsheet, I've just done some here, and I'll start writing things down. Steampunk is a hot niche right now. It's got a Facebook audience of 2.5 million.
I'll show you how to figure that out in a second. Mechanical watches has got a medium order, well, in my kind of eyes. It's got 5,000 orders right now. What that means is this product right here has 5,000 orders getting processed. That's not total orders. That's processed at this point of time. These are selling quite hot right now. What I do do as well is I go and look at other things like the glasses, high amount of orders, high amount of orders. Then what I'll do guys is I'll go to Facebook, audience insights. I'll pick my country, and I'll put in steampunk. It's not hard. Like it's really, really easy to find these products and stuff.
There's about 2.5 million active followers. I'll go into here and I'll put that down here. I'll usually do it bold. All right? Steampunk is good. I can jump into that if I want to start testing products, and I'll test multiple, multiple products. Now I want to show you something that a lot of people don't really realize is dog necklaces, rings and key chains, these are dead. No one buys this stuff anymore basically because Facebook ads are a little bit more expensive now so you can't make any money, but yet people keep trying to sell them. That's what I don't understand.
If we go to say pug necklace in AliExpress or pit bull, we'll go pug necklace in AliExpress and we'll go orders ... Oh sorry, pug. We'll go orders, right? We've got about 478. That's actually not bad, but that's it. There's nothing else that's selling. 400 orders actually isn't too bad. This might do all right, but still you have low margins. You're not going to be able to sell this for a lot of money. These are useless. No one's buying this stuff because there's no money to be made in these types of things now. I'm sorry to say. That's really the truth. Dog necklaces, cat necklaces and stuff like that, there's no money to be made.
You can't make a lot of money because people aren't going to pay you 20-30 bucks to cover your Facebook costs. However, these are good for things like upsells. You can use them as upsells if you're selling some more expensive dog product, which we'll talk about in a second as well. I just want to kind of like go over this because things change. You used to be able to sell dog necklaces and stuff all the time and make hundreds of thousands of dollars. Maybe you still can, but in my opinion it's dead. It is dead. Let's go over to pit bull necklace. These used to be massive. Hopefully I spelled that right. Orders. Oh, we need to do a space.
I supposed it depends on ... We don't have a lot of orders anymore. It's just not viable to do this on Facebook advertising, although Instagram probably still good. Instagram you could still make money with these, but once again, I haven't tried. That's kind of an example of why you have to keep up with things. You have to keep testing because if you spend too much time on one product or two products like a week or two weeks of research to figure out if it's going to work, it might not work in a couple of weeks. That's kind of what we go with with that. All I do guys is I go and get right in niches and I put them into AliExpress. Let's put dog in.
I can bet some of you right now are going, "It's so basic." Well, that's really what it is. I'm going to go to dog right now, and I'm going to go to this one here. I'll show you how to do some research in a second guys. Don't worry. I do do a little bit of research. I'm going to go to this one here. Now this dog waterproof whatever it is is pretty good. I could test this. If I wanted to, I wouldn't do it straight away, but I could do an upsell on one of these dead necklaces or rings because the traffic that I'm sending to that upsell will essentially be free because they're already ready to make a purchase on that other product or they are going to make a purchase on the other product.
It's a little bit different. I could probably put the dog necklace in an upsell. All right? What we're going to do is we're going to do some research in a second, but what I also want to kind of point out is when you're doing research is to open the AliExpress store. Quite important because you can go into here and find even more products. Not only that, you can find products to use as an upsell as well, so you can upsell them with this dog collar, dog thing here, key thing, just dog vest, whatever that is. You can really try to stick to one supplier and upsell, but I wouldn't recommend doing that until you actually have a winner. That's quite important.
Your main focus is to just find winners at this point. You shouldn't be worrying about retargeting. You shouldn't be worrying about building an audience right now. You shouldn't be worrying about upsells. Your main focus is to find a product that gets at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 sales or something. Don't focus on the rest of the ones that aren't making you any money. You need to focus on that. You want to scale it up. That's your goal. That's why you need to be testing a lot of products to find that particular winner. Okay? We're going to now do some research guys. For example, in the steampunk niche, I'm going to go mechanical watch.
Watch. Sorry guys. I'm a bit dyslexic on the keyboard today. Mechanical watch. Now before I kind of go into this guys, this is really all I do. Go and find niches and put them in AliExpress. AliExpress is where we buy the products. That's where the products. It makes no sense for me to go to other websites and search products. AliExpress is where we get the stuff from. It just makes no sense otherwise. You don't need any expensive top softwares and tools. I used to use them. I don't really anymore. You don't need any of that. You can just do it like this. Okay? We've got mechanical watch guys. I'm going to go orders again. This is kind of the research I do.
What I do guys I go and get like parts of the title. This one here. Let's say I'm going to go and sell this product. I'm going to go do a little bit of spying and a little bit of research to kind of help me out. I'm going to go to and I'm going to go, put it in brackets the part of the keyword that I'm going to go into. Okay? What I'm going to do is I'm going to open up a bunch of stores on the front page. I do do a little bit of research guys, but this is pretty basic research. Then I'm going to go to these stores. How many have we got here? There was actually one before that I found. I'll just put this down.
There was one before that I found is a really good example for this video. This one here. You guys, you can also put in things like just steampunk if you want and then it'll bring up steampunk. Steampunk Heaven. You do hunting, fishing, camping, anything you want. What I do is guys, I go to these stores and I'm like okay, this is how they've laid theirs out. All right. Get some ideas. I'm going to check out their social profiles because what I can do is I can get ideas on how I should do my posts. This one's pretty dead, so we won't use this one. I will actually show you one. Here's another one guys. Here's another one here. Here's a dead one, but here's one I want to show you.
Nice layout. Nice store, but they're actually very active on Facebook, which is good. I can basically go out there and not replicate, but model their ads. See these ads? This is all you need to do. Very, very simple stuff. You don't need any long sales copy like the gurus tell you, any of that stuff. When you're testing, you literally just want to put the product in front of people and see if you've got an audience that's going to make a purchase. All right? We've got this one here. We've got this one here. They're very active. This is video. Super easy to make. You just get some pictures. Use a software.
I can use a software I'm recording with right now, Camtasia, and I can make a video just like that. Super, super easy. This is what you need for testing guys, some words like this, a couple of links or one link, and tell people to tag their mates for a bit of engagement, and that's all you need. This is why I go through and do some simple easy beginner friendly research. That's all this is, and spy on other stores. There's something else I do guys. I can actually view the bestsellers on these particular stores. For example, this store here where we have the same watch or similar, I can go up to the keyword here and go like that and then go like that.
Paste it. I'll leave you these codes below. You'll get them when you get the eBook below. These are the bestsellers on this particular store. In fact, I used to sell a lot of these 3D printed shirts, and I did very, very well. They're in my book as well. Now we have a complete list of these guy's bestsellers, so we can literally go out there now and we've got even more products to test. What I might do is go back to my spreadsheet and put down the website name and then start to put down their products that have done well for them. Then my spreadsheet will get pretty long. Obviously I'm not going to do that in this entire training.
It would take a super, super long time, but my spreadsheet will get really long and then I would have like ... If I just did this for like four, five hours or two hours or something, I'd have a huge spreadsheet of products that I can just go out and test, and that's the aim of the game. Okay? I'm telling you, if you don't test multiple products, you 100% are going to fail right now. You might as well just stop drop shipping, and I'm telling you the truth. If you're not testing four or five products a day when you're starting to get your first sale, don't even bother doing drop shipping. I'm not kidding. You need to be testing multiple products. That's why the research can't be long and tedious.
It has to be nice and simple like this. It really does. There's no like crazy secret thing here. If you're looking for advanced tutorials in how to do product research, there isn't any because it doesn't need to be like that. Here's another steampunk store guys we can go through and have a look, but I'll show you another trick actually. I'm going to go to a website called Okay? Remember this website. It's pretty cool. I'm going to take the website name and we're getting into a little bit more advanced research, but we'll throw a little bit of advanced stuff in there.
We're going to put that into and push enter. What this is going to do is give us a little bit of data on the store. Hopefully it does okay. Usually it will give us a traffic report, but it hasn't. Usually you will have a thing here of like ... If we go to my blog, for example, I'll show you what pops up. You'll get a traffic graph, and that'll tell you how much traffic the site's getting. My blog gets around about 200,000 visits per month. 140,000 this month. They will tell you all of the information. For this example here, it'll tell you that they're getting most of their traffic from the social network. Probably Facebook.
They're getting some from search and some from the rest. This is a very, very handy site. They're getting actually a lot of traffic from the keyword steampunk in Google, right, which is pretty cool. This is interesting. I didn't expect this. They're actually getting most of their traffic guys from Pinterest. Very, very interesting. That means to me that maybe they're advertising on Pinterest. I can dive deeper into that, and then you can start getting into more advanced stuff after maybe if you want. Facebook only 11%. These guys are actually advertising on Pinterest somewhere. Was it this one or this one?
On Pinterest. Was it this one? No, it was this one. These guys are advertising on Pinterest. Maybe they have a Pinterest account down here. Let's have a look. Maybe this is how they're getting all of their traffic. Maybe. Maybe. They've got a few followers and stuff and they've got some Pinterest boards, but they're probably advertising on Pinterest as well. What we'll do is we'll actually get Steampunk Heaven into here as well and see if we can get some information just so you kind of get an idea of everything and how it all works. Sorry guys. I just had to grab myself a drink. Oh, see, here we go. As you can see, Steampunk Heaven ...
I'm so sorry if this is your site, but this is business. Nothing personal. These guys have gone from 30 to 50 to 60 to over to a hundred thousand per month. These guys are a successful store. Where are they getting all their traffic from? Social. What social network are they getting all of their traffic from? Facebook. All right? This is a classic example of a store that's successful in selling steampunk products. What do you do? Well, there's a few things you can do. Some unethical things I supposed. You can kind of model what they're selling. You can go and sell their best products. Let's take out the thing here like that and you can find their best products and basically test.
As you can see, it's actually the glasses that I originally looked at when I searched steampunk before in here. We know that the steampunk niche is very hot right now. I actually had that written down right here. Steampunk glasses were doing very, very well and the orders were up. Here we go. This is what they're selling. That's literally it guys. We're going to jump into some more stuff soon, the secrets and things like that, but what you want to do is go into ... We'll just have a recap here. You want to go into either Discover A Hobby, find hobbies and start searching those in AliExpress. Okay? Then you want to find particular products.
For example, obviously the dog niche we could sell these LED collars. Then I want to go into audience insights in Facebook and I would just put in dog. Okay? Just something pretty simple. Probably actually maybe we'll do ... We'll just do dogs for now. It's going to bring out go to page likes. This is going to bring up a few things, dog services, I love my dog, things like that. I love my dog. It'll bring up this page. You can put I love my dog in here, and you can build up more interest, animal rescue. Anyway, we know that it had 60 million, which is obviously massive. That's a no brainer. You could obviously go and put maybe I love my dog in here, see what we get.
I love my dog. Oh God. It's really hot right now, so I'm like nearly dying. It's hard to like type. Four million. If we put in I love my dog, we have four million audience. We know that we've got an audience right here. I would go to my spreadsheet right now and I will go dog and I'll put down here LED collar, which I actually already have. I'll put an audience of what was it? Four million I think. Four million. I would highlight that so I'll know that boom, that's an audience of four million. That's all I do guys. I go through and I do that when I want to go and test new products. That's really all there is to it. All you need is some niches and AliExpress. Don't bother with anything else.
Don't bother with any other tools because AliExpress is where you get your products from, so it makes sense to just get them from there. Go off with the ones with the highest orders, and check out the other shops to see if there's any other products you can sell, see if there's any other products you can use as an upsell and all that sort of good stuff. There's hundreds and thousands of products in AliExpress. You got no excuse to not be able to find products and test. If you want to like kind of fast track things and not worry about just going and putting in random things in AliExpress, simple. You can go to and you can go and find what's selling.
For example, this mechanical watch, which is what we just did is selling 20,000 sales. There's one down here before. 20,000 sales with that one. There was something down here before of over 200,000 sales. 100,000 sales for this torch, which I actually have in my eBook that you and download. It shows you the sales video that I used. Those 200,000 sales probably a lot contributed from the stuff that I did. That's just from the site though. All sorts of stuff. If you're kind of lazy and you just want to go out and test a whole load of products which is what I'm sometimes like, you just want to go to, find a product.
You can go to hunting. Just find products or niches that are popular. Go and find products that have sold a lot of products, and simply test them out. Okay? That's going to bring us to the next section of this training. I've told you some of the research you can do. Very, very basic research. Go and check everyone out. That's all you need to really know. Now I want to cover the secrets guys because this is kind of critical. This is going to help you guys out I think. I know. You're going to be like, "Franklin, these are basic secrets. They're hardly even secrets." Yeah, I know. They're hardly secrets, but the thing is first of all, I want to get you to stay in the video.
Second, they kind of are secrets because no one is still doing this stuff. It's crazy. When someone is successful in my training, I ask them, "How did you do it? What was your process?" I've asked hundreds of people and hundreds of people have commented in our group. They will say the same thing, 100% of them say the same thing, "Franklin, I tested. I tested. I tested, and I tested some more." All you need is that one product and that one product can make you a 100K, 200, 300, 400, 500K, a million dollars, and then you just scale out after that by using lookalike audiences, retargeting list. Then you don't even have to worry about testing.
If you get that one product, you focus on that one product, and then you don't have to worry about the stress of testing. You got to realize that Shopify and drop shipping, it's a business. When you go to work in a 9:00 to 5:00, you hate going to your job, right? Well, when you first started online business or any business, you hate it because you have to make it work. It's stressful. It's a struggle. You actually have to put in the work. If you're just going to go out there ... Sorry, I've got a runny nose.
If you're just going to out there and test four or five products and go, "This doesn't work. This sucks. Franklin's wrong. Everyone's wrong," well, these results tend to say something different. I'm seeing these every single day because these guys have done one thing that the losers or the ones that fail don't want to do. I shouldn't say losers. The ones that fail. What I mean by losers is they just don't succeed. The ones that don't succeed are the ones that don't test. They go and spend 20 bucks and say this doesn't work, right?
It's very, very important to note down that testing is pretty much the main factor to the success of everybody's store because you're not going to find your first product on the first go. You might not find your first winner on the first 10 products. It really just depends. Testing is the main factor. Putting the product in front of the right audience is the main factor. Another main factor actually guys is something that a lot of people probably will disagree with me on, but it's the truth, saturated niches make a lot of money. Yes, that's right.
While most people are trying to avoid saturated niches and try to find little headed products in other niches wasting time and wasting money, people like me and my students we're going out there and we're advertising in saturated niches, hunting, fishing and things like that, and we're making hundreds and thousands of dollars. Why? Because saturated niches mean money. People are spending in those niches. That's why they're saturated. Now when you have a saturated product, it's a little bit different, right? For example, this got saturated. I sold this for about a year, and I found that a little bit hard to sell because everyone was selling it.
A product can be saturated. Absolutely. I'm not disagreeing with that. All right? Stop selling it if you can't sell it anymore, but a niche really can't get saturated. If it is saturated, it's a good thing because you can keep selling different products to the same people over and over again because they just keep buying the products. Saturated niches mean money guys. That's so, so important to kind of realize. Now the last thing, you don't know if you have a winner until it's actually a winner. All right? Go and have a look at all the videos that say, "Hey, find winners instantly. Find the winner in 10 minutes. Find a $10,000 today." Guys, you don't have a winner.
Josh or Sam or Lisa who's running the other store might be winning with that product. Okay, that's them. You on the other hand, you're just starting to test this product. These are not winners until you've made 10 grand, 5 grand, 100 grand. They're not winners until they are successful products and you can scale them up in Facebook consistently without any problems. Okay? Those are winners. If you don't have that, you don't have a winner and you got to go back to the drawing board. Quite important stuff guys. These three things are very important to your success. I can't stress that enough. These are very, very important to your success.
If you're staying away from saturated niches because you're scared, you're losing money. You're wasting time. If you're not testing, you're wasting time. If you're trying to look for that perfect winner, you're wasting time. Those are just cold hard facts guys. That's it for this training guys. What I want to do now is you can follow me up the top. Subscribe to my channel obviously. I have another video in the corner that you can click on and also somewhere on the screen there'll be a link to my training where you can learn more in depth about eCommerce and things like that. All right? I'll see you in the next video.